When struggling with excess weight, you should keep in mind that the success will be more durable if you prolong the process of weight loss. Unfortunately, quite often people, after taking d... Read more
Let’s face it: grapefruit juice is less popular among consumers than orange juice. Maybe the reason is that the sour-sweet grapefruit juice gives a light bitterness, while orange juice doesn... Read more
Those of you who regularly visit my blog have probably already noticed that, when it comes to supplements and wealth loss stimulation, I prefer all-natural alternatives to the ones available... Read more
The answer is: in just 14 days. I receive hundreds of emails monthly asking me questions on how to lose weight in just a few weeks. And today I’ve decided to finally share a diet plan that h... Read more
The fight against excess weight is not easy to win, you will need a lot of strength and will power. And only those who believe in what they are doing and how they are doing it will achieve p... Read more
I’ve written before about sugar and the problems it can cause for your health, but it’s a topic that just keeps coming up. There’s just no way around it, you need to avoid sugar as much as p... Read more
Losing weight with the help of vegetarianism gives one of the most effective weight loss results. Apart from the fact that the body gets rid of extra pounds and other unnecessary wastes (tox... Read more
Deep down we all know it’s true. Every man wants to be physically bigger. From childhood we idolized impossibly musclebound superheroes and superstar athletes. There’s just something inspiri... Read more
Lots of people come to me, through my website and in person, and ask for advice on how to get fitter, get stronger or generally kick more ass in their daily life. However, the topic that peo... Read more
In pretty much all cuisines of the, world there is such a dish as fried fish. Due to its digestibility it is much lighter for the stomach than meat. Moreover, in some countries it is much ch... Read more