Hemp seeds had been grown for centuries in around the world. Hemp seeds that possess a wide range of useful properties, in contrast to the leaves and inflorescences, do not contain cannabinol psychotropic substance, which exerts the narcotic effect. Hemp seeds are used for getting nutritious and medicinal hemp oil.
Hemp seeds, due to their high biological and nutritional value, belong to the category of so-called ‘superfood’. ‘Superfood’ is a food with a rich nutrient composition. Such a food has a high concentration of biologically active substances such as vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients. A characteristic feature of ‘superfood’ is that it is almost completely absorbed by the body.
Specific useful properties
Hemp Seeds – useful properties
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Promotes weight loss.
Hemp seeds constitute the perfect energy source. Hemp seeds are composed of 49% of the oil that is particularly rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are present in hemp seeds in the optimal ratio of 1:3, which creates their perfect balance in the human body.
Hemp seeds contain macro- and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, manganese, copper. Vitamin composition of hemp seed is quite diverse. Seeds contain vitamins B (B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9), E, C, A, beta-carotene. Hemp seeds are also rich in chlorophyll.
A hemp seed contains 18 amino acids including all the essential ones. The uniqueness of hemp seeds proteins lies in the fact that they contain 65% of globulin, and include a large number of albumin. It is the highest rate in the plant kingdom.
These proteins of hemp seeds are very similar to the corresponding human blood proteins. Globulin is responsible for the human immune system and protects it from other harmful organisms.
Our body uses globulin to generate copula that fights bacteria and viruses. So, it is recommended to use hemp seeds not only to maintain and strengthen the immune system but also to protect yourselves from diseases of immune deficiency.
Hemp seeds don’t contain protein gluten, so they can take their rightful place in the diet of patients with celiac disease (a disease during which it is contraindicated to use of cereals containing gluten: wheat, rye, oats, and barley).
Nutritional Value
Nutritional Value per 100g:
Medicinal Properties
The use of hemp seeds is good for digestion, cardiovascular, endocrine, urinary and nervous systems.
Hemp seeds:
- Improve the immune system;
- Contribute to system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Potassium and magnesium that are contained in the seed, contribute to improving the heart muscle’s function;
- Increase the effectiveness of prevention and comprehensive treatment of anemia. Contribute to the restoration of normal levels of hemoglobin.
- Regular consumption of seeds prevents the development of cancer.
- Normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Hemp seeds exert a protective effect of the coating on the damaged mucosa of the stomach and intestines.
- Activate the intestinal peristalsis, promote effective cleansing the body of toxins.
- Effectively help in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. They exert anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects.
- Contribute to improving the physical and mental health, improve memory and concentration, exert the anti-stress effect, help to get rid of insomnia.
- Prevent the development of the liver and biliary tract diseases.
- Due to the analgesic and diuretic effects, hemp seeds are used in the treatment of the urinary system diseases.
- Prevent the development of obesity and diabetes, contribute to the reduction of overweight.
- Reduce the risk of the male urogenital system diseases (male infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.).
- Contribute to the strengthening of lactation in breastfeeding women.
- Omega-3 that is a part of the hemp seed reduces unpleasant symptoms during menstruation, supports the elasticity of the skin, hair and nail health
- Effective in the treatment of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema), and traumatic injuries of the skin. Gruel from fresh seed is used for the healing of cuts and wounds.
With such a wide range of useful properties, hemp seeds are helpful for vegetarians, athletes, pregnant women and the elderly. They can also be incorporated in baby food and diet.
Hemp Seeds for Weight Loss
Regular consumption of
To this end, regularly include hemp seeds in your breakfast. In summer, add hemp seeds in green smoothies. For best effects, it is useful to add honey and spices that enhance metabolism: cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and others.
Use of hemp seeds in cookery
Hemp seeds are soft and juicy and have a pleasant nutty flavor and a light bitterness. Germinated hemp seeds are very useful. Add hemp seeds to salads with fresh vegetables and herbs, flavored with spices.
By the way, hemp seeds are used in the cooking of pastries, sauces, and desserts. Hemp seeds are added to soups, cereals garnishes, cottage cheese, yogurt. Hemp seeds are combined with vegetables, dried fruits, and cheeses.
Hemp seeds are useful in combination with other seeds and fruits in raw porridge. To cook porridge, pour water, add hemp seeds, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds and leave for a night and in the morning blend them thoroughly in a blender and whip together a fruit that you like.
The density can be adjusted by adding small amounts of water. This way you get a cocktail. You can also add honey and spices (such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and others).
Hemp seeds can be added to delicious porridges cooked with water or milk. Milk can be used cow or soy, almond, coconut and others.
Grind in a coffee grinder hemp seeds that can be used for cooking hemp porridge and be used as protein or vitamin and mineral supplements to soups, side dishes, dairy products, and smoothies. The hemp flour may also be used in the cooking of a vegetable cutlet or breaded in a natural thickener for various sauces. Hemp flour can be added to the batter for pancakes and fritters.
In addition, hemp seeds can be brewed and drunk as tea. A hemp flour can be added to the cocoa beverage.
Hemp seeds can be eaten in the fried form, just like sunflower seeds.
The recommended daily dose of hemp seeds is 1-2 tablespoons.
How to choose and how to store hemp seeds
High-quality hemp seeds are oily, of greenish-gray color, round, 2-5 mm in diameter, similar to black pepper peas.
After opening the packaging of hemp seeds, they can be stored in the refrigerator and used within eight weeks.
Individual intolerance.
Harm of Hemp Seeds
This unusual plant can obscure vision and cause headaches. Improper use of hemp seeds makes a man infertile. Large doses promote sweating, nausea, tachycardia, and may cause dizziness and fainting.
In a case of the overdose a person struggles to speak, severe hallucinations may be developed, as well as lowered speed of thought, impaired movement coordination, and in severe cases, partial immobility is observed.
But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the above-mentioned side effects occur only in case of super doses. In general, any product in excessive doses is harmful, and sometimes even dangerous to life. So in general, hemp seeds are safe and the risk of side effects is minimal. Similarly as in the case with any other product.
Hemp seeds are very useful, many call them a superfood, and in many respects they are right.
Hemp is one of the most nutritious plants in the world. Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids, making them an ideal source of protein for vegans and raw foodists. Essential fatty acids are very useful for humans. Hemp seeds are used in many foods nowadays.
Some of these products, such as milk and hemp flour, can be easily made at home. Moreover, even an exotic product such as hemp ice cream can be found in stores. Try adding hemp seeds in salads, as a garnish in cereals, puddings and other desserts. Hemp seeds can also be used in baking, as they can be consumed in its raw form. Hemp seeds – is a real gift to humanity.
This tiny plant has no equals among other plants in the world. Proper nutrition and daily consumption of hemp seeds will help your body heal from many diseases. You will be able to prevent health problems such as high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, diabetes type II, problems with the skin and hair, depression, and the list goes on and on. Hemp seeds are safe for those who suffer from allergy to nuts.
You should definitely include them in your diet. 1-2 tablespoons per day and you will have good health and good spirits! Good luck!
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