Looking at the most popular search results in Google, you may be surprised how people are concerned about their bodyweight and ways to lose ‘a few’ pounds.
But I’d like to advise them to seek advice from nutrition experts in order to save time while processing such search results as “how to lose weight” and “Why am I getting fat” that bombard Google every day.
Nature ordered that women are more prone to weight changes and, ironically, should take care of themselves more carefully than others. So why do people get fat?
And why there are people who do not get fat at all? This article will help you to understand why such an injustice exists in our world.
It turned out that there are not so many reasons for that. And the most surprising fact is that we are not always able to assess ourselves correctly and notice some certain mistakes: for example, a girl, who has a snack at work, believes that she doesn’t eat anything and asks Google the question mentioned above.
Why am I getting fat? The answer is below.
Overeating can manifest itself in different forms: you eat a lot, you eat more than you need.
Huge portions, bad food chewing, eating food in front of a TV, eating 2-3 hours before bedtime – all these leads to the fact that you are constantly hungry or food is poorly digested and moves in places where it doesn’t belong in a slim and healthy body.
It looks like in the example from the beginning of this article: she has been snacking on sandwiches, candies, and cookies all day long and in the evening she feels hungry, because she “ate nothing!” she thinks, so it’s high time for some fried chicken with potatoes.
What to do?
It is useful to write in a special notebook when and what you have eaten throughout the whole day. This advice I will repeat many times. Having such a notebook, you will be able to be fully in control of what you eat and avoid unnecessary meals and snacks.
If you constantly feel hungry and therefore eat a lot, you definitely should read the whole article and pay attention to some psychological reasons.
You eat food that is poorly digested and absorbed properly, combine foods and distribute portions improperly, or choose the wrong time to eat, eat junk food and don’t know what you need to incorporate into the diet for your body.
Why do some people not get fat from certain foods, while others immediately start gaining extra pounds?
Remember that the laws of ‘gaining’ and ‘losing’ weight are individual for everyone. So instead of repeating everything after your friend, who eats everything and doesn’t get fat, remember that we’re all different and what works for your friend doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you as well.
Nutritionists recommend ing small meals 3-4 times a day.
Ayurveda says about five tastes that should always be present in the food (sweet, bitter, sour, pungent, salty), otherwise we have an improper diet. And also advises eating specific products for different types of constitution.
Find correct advice for yourself and try.
What to do?
Stick to the diet and take notes (see my advice in the previous paragraph). Try to make a meal plan for the day (what and how much to eat). Cook the night before, learn new recipes of healthy beneficial products, in other words, take hold of your diet!
Practice voluminous breakfasts so that during the dinner not to pass the time drinking tea and rustling candy wrappers.
Lack of exercises and activity
The question “Why am I endlessly getting fat” is often asked by those for whom a physical activity is considered to walk to the nearest store and to the coffee machine at work.
Sedentary and inactive lifestyle — is one of the most important answers to the question why women get fat.
The lack of activity is responsible for the abnormal metabolism, for the lack of necessary hormones, which are produced by our body when we exercise. This includes the hormone of happiness, which prevents stress, and, as you know, people who are not experiencing stress, get fat much less.
What to do?
Give your body pleasant exercises. But without putting yourself through too much stress.
There are a lot ofme, some of them will be perfect for you.
Hormonal reasons
As a rule, women get acquainted with them after the childbirth, when the hormonal system failures and restructuring occurs. It happens that after administration of certain drugs (hormonal) or after the rejection of them, the body begins to grow by leaps and bounds.
Sometimes it happens that body lacks female hormones and it persistently maintains the round shapes. That is why some women don’t get fat — with a certain way of life they support the content of female hormones at the same level, so chocolates and chips can only slightly change their weight. And it will be easy to get rid of it.
What to do?
Review all the medications you are taking, as they may hinder weight loss. Ask your doctor how to keep the hormonal system in check. Sometimes people even require treatment at a specialized clinic for weight loss.
Production of female hormones is activated when we fall in love, when we feel love when the body receives necessary sexual discharges.
Fall in love! Many people say that they were able to lose weight in those sweet moments of life. Loneliness is often accompanied by fouling with extra pounds.
Genetic propensity
Though many argue about the proof of this, there is still a tendency that can be seen with the naked eye. Yes, DNA doesn’t say that in 30 years you’ll gain 10 kg. But due to the genes you have got a certain type of body – you know how it works, how often it becomes sick and you can answer the question “why am I constantly getting fat?”
Think about your natural proportions. The fact that you can’t lose weight for several years straight doesn’t mean it’s your natural weight though. All it means is that you’re doing something wrong.
What to do?
Obviously, it would be great to admit your natural proportions, and not try to make them smaller than it is provided by nature. Unsuccessful attempts to conquer nature will only drive you into stress and depression. And it leads, as it is known, to weight gain.
If nature ordered you to gain more weight, then you just need to take care of yourself.
If your friend Mary bravely eats cakes and complains that she cannot gain weight, it doesn’t mean that you should also eat in such amounts. People are different, so situations are also different.
Love yourself, find your correct diet and physical activity, avoid stress – and you forget about the question “why I can not stop gaining weight.”
Psychological reasons
Psychosomatics has already told us that extra weight is not gained without a reason, but usually becomes the result of internal problems, which I’m going to list now.
In general, the answer to the question “Why do people get fat” is very simple – because people don’t feel happy. If a person is happy, he/she is either in the ‘normal’ body, or doesn’t care about his/her tasty and appetizing body shapes.
What to do?
It is obvious that any psychological problems should be solved, and they may be solved only with self-development, change of attitude to the world, to other people, to your life situation. But it is better to start with physical activity – it is the main enemy of any stress.
- Firstly, it increases the hormone of happiness in the blood levels.
- Secondly, you have no time to stress about your life.
- And thirdly, you lose weight!
You are obsessed with losing weight
Oddly enough, but this is also considered quite a popular cause. As you know, we rarely get what we want so much.
Psychologists say that you should release your strong desire. Do something to achieve it, but do not exaggerate the significance of the result: a ‘no’ means no.
So talking about losing weight. If you count every calorie, even the air you breathe in, it will probably come across the fact that “nothing works, I am getting fat / I cannot lose it!”
And the reason is your mental attitude. If you lose weight hard, then you consider yourself fat. A brain creates the external picture according to the request. When you don’t see immediate results, you stress about it. And that kind of stress doesn’t do any good for your weight loss plans.
What to do?
Release the burning desire to lose weight, find your own (!) perfect proportions and give yourself the right to be that person that you are. And then you can treat yourself to delicious food from time to time, and always enjoy life!
So what is your personal experience with getting fat and what are your ways of losing weight?