There is a number of motivational fitness and workout quotes that can provide you with quite a boost in the gym. And sometimes it takes time to truly understand great quotes and get the true meaning of them. So take your time and review the following motivational fitness and workout quotes that will bring your fitness performance to a whole new level.
Those who think they have no time for body exercises will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
God gave you a body that can stand almost anything! It’s your mind that you have to convince!
I like to work out with weights. Sometimes, when you hold a barbell, you know that it can crush you, but it doesn’t happen because you’re stronger.
You can say that you have bad genes, slow metabolism, or you can just get your ass off the couch and start improving yourself, set goals and believe in yourself. In this case, you will certainly achieve success.
Five components of the way to victory – resistance, speed, strength, skill and will. And will – it’s the most important thing!
There are no restrictions: the more you aspire to something, the more you will achieve.
The only thing that moves me forward is my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.
Impossible – it’s just a big word for little people who hide. It is easier to live in a normal world than to find the strength to change something. Impossible – it is not a fact. This is only an opinion. Impossible – it’s not a sentence. It is a challenge. Impossible – it is a chance to prove himself. Impossible – it’s not forever. Impossible is nothing.
You need to achieve something everybody else claim is ‘impossible’ at least once in your life. After that, you’ll never have to pay attention to their rules and restrictions.
No matter how much work a person has, he/she must find time for food.
Gymnastics, exercises, walking should be included in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, and joyful life.
Image source: Celestine Chua
10 Quotes of Arnold Schwarzenegger:
“Life’s six rules for success. 1. Trust yourself. 2. Break some rules. 3. Don’t be afraid to fail. 4. Ignore the naysayers. 5. Work like hell. 6. Give something back.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“You can have results or excuses, but not both.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100%.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Dreams are for dreamers. Goals are for achievers.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Every morning you have 2 choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
“In our society, the women who break down barriers are those who ignore limits.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
If a person seeks for something with all the heart, he/she will definitely be able to achieve what he/she wants, even if it seems impossible, even if everyone openly declares that it is impossible.
It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.
The struggle alone gives strength, not the victory. If you struggle and not give up – this is the strength.
You can always become better.
With exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.
In sports, like in a casino, it is very difficult to win by chance.
Exercise can replace many medicines, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise.
Gymnastics extends human youth.
During workouts, the body stimulates the production of endorphins – happiness hormone. And how else we can explain why do many people, after a few months of regular exercising, still want to go to the gym and when they skip workouts they feel discomfort?
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, it lasts forever.
Whenever you get angry – do push-ups, squats, lift weights and work on your abs. It will be more useful than to scream and sort things out.
If a person gets up after the fall, it’s not physics, but character.
The ability to feel pleasure from physical activity is developed gradually, depending on the choice of a suitable training. This is the best motivation for fitness.
It doesn’t matter if you fall; be afraid if you haven’t tried to get up.
Your body is designed for movement. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that blood pressure rises, your appetite disappears, the bones become brittle, muscles – painful, you quickly get tired, mood deteriorates, depression occurs.
It is impossible to start life all over again, but it is possible to begin to live differently.
Stand out from the crowd – be yourself.
No delay, it is time to act!
Remember that sports and fitness – it’s pleasure.
You have to believe in yourself, especially at times when nobody believes in you – and this is the spirit of a champion.
If they are talking behind your back – you’re ahead.
Discussing your life – it is more interesting than theirs.
Trying to find flaws – they’re jealous.
Train in spite of the mood, the weather, and circumstances! Time will pass and you will see that the result is worth it!
The only person with whom you have to compare yourself – are you in the past. And the only person better you need to be – it’s you now.
We often hear from people why they are not involved in sports – ‘if I had more time, I probably would attend the gym if the fitness club was not so far from my home, I would definitely go there much more often!’ Motivation is very important in fitness and bodybuilding, whether it is a desire to win in professional competitions, or simply the desire to lose weight and build muscle before beach season.
When you have troubles, always remind yourself that if you give up, it will not improve the situation.
I will achieve all my goals, no matter whether you believe in me or not!
Fitness, as well as any hard work, requires motivation. Moreover, in some people, it manifests less while in others – more. It should be something that will make us focus on the training and support our interest. But the motivation for fitness is the kind of thing that comes only after we are starting to really search for it. Starting a new, healthy lifestyle, you, first of all, do better for yourself. Well, but if you have to force yourself to do something. So why you should do it? Perhaps you just do not want to do it. Ask yourself a few questions:
– will confidence come along with a beautiful body?
– will you love wearing beautiful clothes, emphasizing the figure, rather than hiding it?
– will you be pleased to look at yourself in the mirror?
– Compliments, jealous girlfriends, and friends, a bunch of fans – isn’t it nice?
These are just a few general questions. You can continue the list.
A Happy person is not the one who has all the best, but the one who extracts the best of what he has.
Life – is a movement, and therefore, it should be easy, comfortable and relaxed, and to achieve this result in Japan was established
When a person starts to struggle with himself, he becomes worth more.
You should not be striving to prove something. You have to prove yourself that you can become even better and even stronger with each workout.
Our brain can do anything. The main thing is to convince yourself of it. Hands don’t know how to do push-ups, legs don’t know that they are weak. Your brain knows it. If you convince yourself that you can do everything, you will be able to do everything.
It has been proven numerous times that motivational fitness and workout quotes indeed work. Personally, I would recommend first reading the whole list of quotes and then re-read about 5 quotes before each workout to keep them fresh in your head. And find the quotes that are best suited for you individually!
So tell me now, what are the fitness and workout quotes that motivate YOU? Share them in the comment section below.