From time to time, and while I was browsing the web, it had occurred to me what a vast place of valuable information it really is. With the help of the Internet, you can find nowadays almost anything you want. From information on how to make a smoothie to how to build a car with a […] Read more
Negative-calorie diets have been seen as controversial in the past because it has not been proven that these diets can cause significant weight loss. However, if you replace unhealthy foods in your diet with healthier choices, you can only feel better – so why not eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet anyway? Why Choose a […] Read more
There are many health benefits to eating a whole food plant based (WFPB) diet. They are a cost effective way of supporting weight loss and minimising the impact of big killers like heart disease and cancer. They may also be a good option for a healthy diet if high quality animals products are prohibitively expensive […] Read more
I am what I eat! Once famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was asked: “What is the cause of your good health at such a mature age, while many people who are much younger than you have so many diseases?” And Socrates said, Ιt’s because I eat to live, and you talk about people who live […] Read more