You’ve probably read somewhere on the Internet that the size of the stomach corresponds to the size of a fist. For some people it is true, but for others, it’s not. The size of the stomach varies, depending on what a person eats. It means that the stomach can be stretched, or vice versa, it may shrink over time. In this article, I will talk about it in detail.
How to shrink the stomach for quick weight loss?
The cause of obesity is often a big stomach. In order to fill it, thus causing a feeling of satiety, you need a lot of food, which usually leads to overeating and excess weight. In order to achieve fast weight loss results, you need to reduce the size of the stomach and make it not surgically, but by
The size of the stomach and meal control.
Big stomach — is the consequence and cause of overeating. Since it initially stretches from uncontrolled food intake, and then requires it in great quantity.
Such processes are usually associated with diet violation:
- irregularity that leads to overeating;
- washing down of food with liquids;
- no control of the eaten amount of food;
- eating food without appetite and the feeling of hunger.
The size of the main organ of the digestive tract is also affected by the quality of products: too fat, poorly chewed or very diverse in its content food remains in the stomach much longer. Food doesn’t move to the intestine up to 12 hours, constantly adding new portions and increasing in volume.
Furthermore, due to its anatomy, the stomach is prone to rapid stretching. You can do exercises to shrink the stomach. The more food gets into it, the sooner the relaxation stage occurs, promoting a stretching process of smooth muscles that form its walls.
These muscles are very badly contracted after emptying, so the returning of the old form is pretty slow. By learning to control the filling, emptying and relaxation-contraction of the stomach, you can achieve rapid weight loss by diet regulation.
Ways of stomach contraction for quick weight loss
Methods of the stomach shrinking based on its anatomical and physiological characteristics:
- when you consume a product or liquid the stomach easily stretches and relaxes;
- stretching and relaxation lead to an increase in its size;
- after emptying it starts to slowly contract;
- after complete contraction its volume decreases by several times;
- contraction of smooth muscle walls does not lead to the change of its volume;
- at the state of contraction, walls are not able to quickly extend to the previous volumes, this requires several cycles of filling-emptying, in which the following filling is more than the previous, or the gradual filling of the stomach for several hours (for example, long feast);
- without excessive filling contracted stomach doesn’t increase its volume.
Using these principles of the stomach functioning, you can quickly bring it back to normal on your own. In order to change its volume, you should learn diet rules.
Stick to the following recommendations
- When you feel hungry, you need to take 150 grams of any grains (cereals), fill it with oil, and then eat using a teaspoon. This method of saturation is the most rational. It makes a meal controlled that promotes healthy weight loss.
- One teaspoon contains 5 grams of cereal, so 150 grams of 30 portions. Each portion should be chewed 40-50 times, making one chewing movement for 2 seconds. During this time, cereal becomes liquid, only then it can be swallowed. You also need to pay attention to its taste during chewing. It will take 20-25 minutes to eat the whole portion.
- In order to achieve the maximum concentration on the sensations experienced while eating, you should not talk and be distracted by the radio, television or reading. All your attention should be paid to the eating process.
Such type of behavior is similar to meditation. It reinforces the sense of taste, so the most common cereal is perceived as something very tasty. Moreover, this process of food eating will make your meal a valuable product.
In many cultures, people pray before meals, which also contributes to the process of focusing on the food and simple products are considered as the gift of God, increasing the importance of even the simplest dishes. In the old days, people who did care about their health were very attentive to food and the procedure of its intake.
Nowadays, people don’t pay enough attention to this process. But focusing on it can increase the quality and quantity of food that will provide a better absorption of nutrients, and will allow you to control food intake, avoiding overeating.
Such a behavior doesn’t mean that you should make a cult out of food. It is necessary to respect the culture of eating, which has a positive impact on health and allows you to quickly lose weight without feeling hunger or discomfort.
The technique mentioned above will not make you focused on the food you eat, but also reduce the size of the stomach, get rid of the constant feeling of hunger and you will eat the smaller amount of food.
These factors will help you to get an excellent health and longevity.
7 amazing facts about your stomach
1. True or false: digestion occurs mainly in the stomach
The answer: false. The longest part of the digestion process occurs in the small intestine. The stomach receives food, it mixes and grinds food to a slurry (called chyme). Then small portions of chyme move to the small intestine, where digestion occurs.
Contrary to the popular belief, the food is not digested in the order in which it is eaten. In the stomach all food is mixed, and small portions move to the intestine.
2. True or false: if you reduce food intake, you will eventually reduce the volume of the stomach, so you will not feel such a strong sense of hunger
The answer: false. In adults, the stomach is usually of the same size, unless you had the surgery to reduce the stomach. Less food will not reduce the volume of the stomach, but it will help ‘reset the counter of appetite’, so you will not feel such a strong hunger, and it will be easier to stick to your diet plan.
3. True or false: thin people by nature have a smaller size of the stomach than overweight ones
The answer: more often true but sometimes false. Although it is hard to believe, the stomach size is not always related to weight or weight control. In people who are naturally thin, stomachs sometimes may have the same or even greater size than that of people who are forced to control weight. Not always weight has nothing to do with the size of the stomach. In fact, sometimes even people who had the surgery of the stomach reduction up to the size of a nut can still gain weight. Over body is so complicated and unlearned.
4. True or false: exercises on the simulator for the abdominal or squats can change the size of the stomach
The answer: false. No exercise can change the size of this organ, but it may help to burn fat layers that accumulate around the abdomen and also strengthen the abdominal muscles, body parts, which are located directly below the diaphragm, in which their stomach and other internal organs are located.
Interestingly, you cannot see the part of the abdominal fat that causes the most harm since it is located in the so-called ‘gland’, something like a sheet that wraps your internal organs.
5. True or false: the products which contain insoluble fiber (which is not soluble in water) cause less abdominal distention than products with soluble fiber (which is dissolved in water)
The answer: true. Most people are amazed to discover that what they consider a ‘soft’ fiber – soluble fiber found in foods such as oat bran, beans, peas, and citrus – can actually cause more severe abdominal distention than insoluble fiber, which is found in foods such as whole grain bread, wheat cereals, cabbage, beet and carrot. The reason for this is that the distention and flatulence – consequences of the activities of intestinal flora, which is essential for digestion of soluble fiber. Since the insoluble fiber is not digested, there is no interaction with the intestinal flora, and therefore, the gas is not formed.
6. True or false: one of the ways to reduce acid reflux (heartburn) – is to lose pounds
And, believe it or not, weight loss in the abdominal area may be important – and the best proof of it is pregnancy. As soon as the fetus grows and puts pressure on the internal organs, it increases heartburn, but after the birth of the child and the release of the pressure, heartburn disappears. Likewise, the weight loss in the abdomen, even minor, has the same effect.
7. True or false: eating before bedtime will make you gain weight faster than eating the same food throughout a day
The answer: false. Most experts agree that we gain weight when we consume more calories than you spend. And although it seems logical that we faster and more efficiently use up the calories obtained from food throughout a busy day than if you eat the same food just before going to bed, in fact, weight gain is not based on a twenty-four-hour cycle. If the total number of calories obtained from the food in a certain period of time exceeds the number of calories that you burn during the same period, you will gain weight.
I hope by reading this article you got the answer to the question whether it’s a myth or truth that the stomach is the size of your fist.
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