Diet is important no matter what you do for an exercise regimen, whether you prefer cardio workouts or muscle-shaping ones, whether you like yoga, running, or cycling, or whether you take part in more extreme activities, like skiing or snowboarding, to keep in shape. What you put into your body is its fuel, so it […] Read more
It has been said a lot about the paleo diet. But I haven’t discussed the subject of the paleo diet for athletes. This topic is very important and interesting. And I will talk about it in this article. As you may remember, the main rule of the paleo diet lies in eating the products which […] Read more
There is a number of motivational fitness and workout quotes that can provide you with quite a boost in the gym. And sometimes it takes time to truly understand great quotes and get the true meaning of them. So take your time and review the following motivational fitness and workout quotes that will bring your […] Read more
From time to time, and while I was browsing the web, it had occurred to me what a vast place of valuable information it really is. With the help of the Internet, you can find nowadays almost anything you want. From information on how to make a smoothie to how to build a car with a […] Read more
First, let’s begin by explaining the terms. Arm toning exercises – are primarily biceps (elbow bends) and triceps (extends the hand), and forearm muscles exercises. Exercises without weights aka bodyweight exercises – are exercises using body weight, that is, pull-ups, push-ups, dips and so on. These exercises are very useful because they improve the state […] Read more
The fight against excess weight is not easy to win, you will need a lot of strength and will power. And only those who believe in what they are doing and how they are doing it will achieve positive results. Quite often, you hear women telling excuses for having excess weight, they justify it by […] Read more
A few years ago, I was facing a great challenge: to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I was browsing through the Internet, trying to find the best possible solution for this challenge. I’ve read tons of information and scientific data proving and disproving things – it’s been quite a journey, believe me! And then […] Read more
These days, when people want to get fit and lose fat the first big idea they usually encounter is the Calories in/Calories out model. This is the very simple idea that in order for your body to lose fat it must be in an energy deficit. The logic runs like this: if you use more […] Read more